The ocean is our greatest resource in the fight against climate change, but we need to protect it before it can protect us. This is not just our cause; it’s everyone’s cause.
Today, FOMARES invites you to support the great dream of many, which is Dos Mares. We want to help our friend association DEPESCA to promote the designation of a critically important marine protected area in Mexico. We want to protect the world’s aquarium, a heritage of all and the responsibility of Mexicans.

“Fomares ignites public support and policy power to save and restore the ocean”
Sylvia Earle

“We have the science, the vision, and with you help we’ll have the resources, join us. Now is the time”
Sylvia Earle

FOMARES ocean conservation fund. Private international non-profit trust fund incorporated in the United States looking to achieve sustainable and significant protection for ocean and coastal conservation.

FOMARES is a one of a kind international fund with tax exempt status under American law dedicated to ocean and costal conservation.
We believe the ocean is a solution for humanity’s shared challenges, therefore FOMARES is set to close the financial gap between available resources and those needed to promote the establishment and operation of MPAs and to protect biodiversity as well as restore the ecological balance in ocean.